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SNP analysis


Tool nameAnimal-SNPAtlas
Important featuresCatalogs 20 different types of animals and provides an important fundamental resource for the animal genomics, genetics and breeding community. Users can search the functional annotation of SNPs, perform online genotype imputation, explore and visualize LD information, browse variant information using the genome browser and download SNP datasets for each species.
CitationsGao Y, Jiang G, Yang W, Jin W, Gong J, Xu X, Niu X. Animal-SNPAtlas: a comprehensive SNP database for multiple animals. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Jan 6;51(D1):D816-D826. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac954. PMID: 36300636; PMCID: PMC9825464.
Year of publication2023
Rank by usage frequency96
Applicable Species: OthersApplicable Species: Others
NGS-data centric (sequencing info/analysis of NGS data)
Detection/ discovery/ identificationDetection/ discovery/ identification
Functional effect
Disease information
Population-specific information
Evolution-based information
General analysis/visualization/annotation of SNPsGeneral analysis/visualization/annotation of SNPs
Important featuresCatalogs 20 different types of animals and provides an important fundamental resource for the animal genomics, genetics and breeding community. Users can search the functional annotation of SNPs, perform online genotype imputation, explore and visualize LD information, browse variant information using the genome browser and download SNP datasets for each species.
CitationsGao Y, Jiang G, Yang W, Jin W, Gong J, Xu X, Niu X. Animal-SNPAtlas: a comprehensive SNP database for multiple animals. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Jan 6;51(D1):D816-D826. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac954. PMID: 36300636; PMCID: PMC9825464.
Year of publication2023
Rank by usage frequency96

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